The Brimworthy Podcast is FULLY ALIVE

As in. It’s live. You can listen to it basically anywhere that podcasts play. For a weekly adventure into fully alive motherhood, freedom keeping, and entrepreneurship chats with Chelsea and many Brimworthy guests treat your ears here! The Brimworthy Podcast is for the lions and lighthouses of the world! It’s for the mothers, the women, the homemakers, and […]
“Misfit” Magnolia

All right, so misfit magnolia. Ha, what in the world does that even mean? Here is the kicker, being a misfit is in our head, there isn’t actually such thing as being a misfit because we were all created by God with unique purpose that weave and fit together in ways more awe inspiring that […]
You are a disco ball.

BREAKING NEWS: you can be more than one thing. Life is BOTH/AND and not the EITHER/OR we have been taught to believe. All of you visionary multi-passionate people, this is your cue to take a sigh of relief! Picture the many little mirrors on a disco ball. Each one catching a tiny reflection of its surroundings […]
3 Books to Change Your Life FOREVER

BREAKING NEWS: you can be more than one thing. Life is BOTH/AND and not the EITHER/OR we have been taught to believe. All of you visionary multi-passionate people, this is your cue to take a sigh of relief! Picture the many little mirrors on a disco ball. Each one catching a tiny reflection of its surroundings […]